Friday, March 15, 2013

Review of the Plague

There aren't many people today who were alive at the time of the Plague. Plague is capitalized because this is her majesty The Plague that we're talking about. THE. PLAGUE.

The Plague had lasting effects on our society, including an irrational hatred of rats that has persisted in society to this very day. Rats are awesome. They even clean themselves, just like cats!


The number one reason that the Plague sucks is because of the following:

Dun dun duuuuuuuun!!!

The above picture is of a doctor. According to Wikipedia, being a plague doctor was basically the worst job ever. You had to wear that creepy-as-fuck mask, and it was filled with "aromatic items". Wikipedia does not specify what kind of aromatic items were put inside this mask. Considering the Middle Ages was also known as the Age of Bad Smells, that mask could have been filled with anything from rose petals to old gym socks. Have you ever smelled old gym socks? Because they are shnasty mcnasty.

Besides the smelly mask, plague doctors were not even real doctors. Some were shitty doctors who couldn't get jobs anywhere else, but many were just regular old people who couldn't find regular old jobs and so took up the task of "treating the Plague", aka making shit up.

Can you imagine going to the doctor's office and finding that not only has your doctor mistaken a Halloween costume for a surgical mask, but your doctor knows less about medicine than you do. Also, the preferred method of treatment is arbitrarily removing bodily fluids in hopes that your nose will stop running. NO DOCTOR. THAT WILL NOT WORK. WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT WOULD WORK. Oh right, because you're a lumberjack disguised as a doctor. Well then.

This post is dedicated to all rats, who are my BFFs.

I don't know the names of these rats because I took this picture from the internet.
Look at those smushies, they are so cute I just want to smoosh them boobooblurgleawwcutesounds.

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