Thursday, May 16, 2013

Review: Forbidden Planet

The other night, my dad and I watched the movie Forbidden Planet. Forbidden Planet is a sci-fi movie from 1956. I think it's supposed to be a drama, but it was more of a comedy.


1950's, we need to have a talk. You clearly do not know anything about science. Also you claimed that all the space-crew guys were in their twenties. Those guys were NOT in their twenties. They were all at least 40. You can tell because they have some wrinkles and they do not move spryly. Men in their twenties are very spry.

And then there is your background music. The entire soundtrack sounds like a malfunctioning Disney ride. Like in Tomorrowland at Disney World, there's all those bubbly-intergalactic-space-technology-blee-bloo-blee-bop sounds all over the place. Except at Disney World, all those spacey things sound very happy and exciting. It's all, PROGRESS! TECHNOLOGY! INNOVATION! THE FUTURE! AMERICA!

It turns out that tomorrow doesn't look like this at all.

The movie, on the other hand, is more like creepy, alien, is-a-Martian-going-to-jump-out-and-eat-me-I-want-to-go-home scary stuff. But here's the thing-- there's a romance fling going on between two of the characters, and the music doesn't change when the two characters are kissing! That is SO WEIRD. I know some people listen to music when they hook up and stuff, but I've always secretly judged those people because they deserved to be judged.

But back to the science. The science made no sense. Take this example scene that I completely made up:

Doc has just died from trying to boost his brain power with the alien machine thingy.

Dr. Morbius: I told him not to do it! The human mind cannot handle the magnitude of the machine's nuclear-atomic-quasi-matter-ray-thing!
Commander Adams: Of course! The Krell uploaded their brains using solar-magnetic-brain waves using inter-nano-centron-genome fusion technology!
Morbius: Fascinating! The speed of fusion is 10 million times greater than the capacity of neanderthal intelligence data-- more than 7 kilo-tron-mega-logic-bytes!
Adams: Xerophyte!
Morbius: Heliocentrism!
Adams: Carbon sequestration!
Morbius: Anaphylaxis algorithm!
Adams: Fibonacci sequence!
Morbius: Fission!
Adams: Sex!
Robby the Robot: For the love of god, SHUT UP.

That's basically the entire movie: made-up science. Also, there's a great scene at the end where Adams gives a speech to the crew about the dangers of the human id and man's egotism. Also Robby the Robot is the best character ever. We love Robby! (We being me. I love Robby.)

In this picture, Robby is putting a shoe on Altaira's foot.

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